Pikna Shire Horses

Pikna Shire horse are a 2 person team, Alfie and Bryony, based in St Austell, Cornwall. We have 2 pairs of working horses Angel and Bravelad driven by Bryony and Wlif and Juna driven by Alfie. The horses all have their own individual personalities, they sometimes express themselves in the most hilarious, kind or silly ways. Our horses absolutely love meeting new people so keep an eye on our what's on page and if we're near you (we travel all over the country) do come and say hello.

Lovejoy and Tinker - Their legacy - Gone but never forgotten.

Lovejoy and Tinker were Alfie's first pair of shire horses, he owned them from the time they were 6 months old, they were half brothers, Lovejoy being the older of the pair by a year. They were often be seen at shows with children riding on their backs and they have given countless people a memory for life. Once Alfie and his team raised funds for children in need, in conjunction with radio Cornwall and raised over £3000. Lovejoy and Tinker were the start of Pikna Shire Horses, they were an inspiration to many and loved by all. They will be forever in our memories and whilst they are gone they will never be forgotten, their legacy lives on in the horses we have and the things we do today.

Angel and Bravelad

Angel and Laddy are our pair of grey shire horses, they have been working together from the ages of 2 and 3, they have a really strong bond with each other and act not unlike a married couple. Angel's favourite thing to do is put her head on top of Laddy's for a cuddle, this often attracts many oohs and ahhs from whoever is watching at the time. They are an experienced plough team and have competed in many matches, across they country they've even ploughed in northern Ireland. They are also television stars and have been seen on TV no less than 3 times, these include; Two Hungry Sailors, with Dick and James Strawbridge 2013; Natural world 2011-2012 - Heligan: secrets of the lost garden and Countryfile 2014 Autumn Special.

Wilf and Juna

Wilf and Juna are our youngest team they are black and white. Wilf can be one of the most gentle horses we have he absolutely loves attention and wants fuss all the time. He's also one of the most curious horses we have and he sticks his nose into everything even when he probably shouldn't. he likes toast and will always try to steal a bit of your sandwich or a biscuit so we have to make sure we stand away from him when we're eating our lunch!! Juna is usually the most troublesome and if someone is going to be a little naughty its her! She love a groom and a cuddle so if you start brushing be prepared to be there for an hour or more.   

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